Used over centuries, Kumkumadi Tailam (oil) is renowned for its magical ability to add a radiant glow to your skin. R.K’s Aroma Kumkumadi Tailam is prepared using traditional methods prescribed by ancient Ayurvedic texts (Vedas).
28 herbs blended with 100% pure essential oils make this beauty oil the most wholesome, all-natural skincare solution. R.K’s Kumkumadi Tailam moisturizes and softens, improves the tone and texture of your complexion leaving your skin feeling fresh with a healthy glow.
Kamal Keshar (NelumboNucifera), Palsha (ButeaMonosperma), Laksha (LacciferLacca), Manjistha (RubiaCordifolia), RaktaChandana (PterocarpusSantalinus), Kaliyaka (CosciniumFenestratum), VijaoraBeeja (Citrus Medica), Naagkeshar (MesuaFerrea), Kusumbha (CarthamusTinctorius), Yasthimadhu (GlycyrrhizaGlabra), Priyangu (AglaiaElaeagnoidea), Mehdi (LawsoniaInermis), Haridra (Curcuma Longa), Daruharidra (BerberisAristata), Rakta Kamal (NelumboNucifera), Neel Kamal (NymphaeaCaerulea), LakshaSwarasa (LacciferLacca), Nagaramustaka (MesuaFerrea), Devadaru (Cedrus Deodara), Hareetaki (TerminaliaChebula), Vibheetaki (TerminaliaBellerica), Amalak (EmblicaOfficinale), Kesar (Crocus Sativus), Gulab (Rosa Damascena), Chameli (Jasminum Grandiflorum), KakolyadiGanaDravya (Ashtavarga), Sesame Oil (SesamumIndicum).
- Cleanse your face with R.K’s Aroma Cleansing Lotion.
- Pour 3-5 drops of the oil into your palms and apply a light coat of the oil evenly.
- Massage with your palms for 3-5minutes using gentle upward strokes or alternatively one can also use Shank (Conch) as a facial tool for massage.
- Wipe off the excess oil with a tissue or a napkin.
- Use at night for the best results. Can be applied twice a day.
- Kumkumadi oil can also be used for face steaming and vaporizing. Add 5 to 10 drops of oil to boiling water and its steam can be directly used on the face for 5 to 10 minutes.
- An overnight application of Kumkumadi oil is recommended.
Ethically Sourced, 100% Natural Products
Environmentally-conscious products infused with the highest grade essential oils.




Purity in Every Drop
Our goal is to provide you with the very best quality and 100% purity in every single one of our products.
Our goal is to provide you with the very best quality and 100% purity in every single one of our products.
Purity in Every Drop
R.K's Aroma