Vedic Aroma
What is Vedic Aromatherapy?
One of the most ancient science of the world, this Indian traditional science fits well with the modern concepts of holistic healing, harmony balancing of the total health of an individual physically, emotionally and spiritually.
These techniques have been used by Sages, Rishis, Gurus, and by ancient wise men for more than 5000 years in India. The origins of these traditional systems of medicine are linked with myths and mythology. It is believed that the Gods themselves handed these techniques to the Sages and wise men for the benefits of mankind.
Vedic Aromatherapy is based on the principle that the health is maintained by Tridoshas of the body (Tri means three and dosha is an element that causes ill-health, when an imbalance). These three energies are known as Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. When there is a dis-harmony or imbalance of these elements in the body, sickness and disease set in the body. Thus a therapist should prescribe treatments that will balance the energies.
The System puts emphasis on the use of Ancient Herb essences with massage techniques based on Marmas and Nadis (Bio-Energy) which have been used since centuries. Tremendous research has been done on this system and the evolution has taken thousands of years to understand the wonders of Nature.
What is Tri-Dosa?
All that's in the body, exists in some form throughout the universe. The Vedas believe that everything is made up of five elements. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. They combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces known as doshas. Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Water), they are primary life force or biological humor which are constantly moving in dynamic balance to keep a person alive.
The first step in treatment is to ascertain the natural constitution of the individual, according to the predominant biological humor, which in turn reflects the force, energies and qualities within the individual. This constitutional approach is the essence of Vedic healing.
Vedic aromatherapy is based on the law of cosmic forces, Positive, Negative and Neutral. Kapha (Water) is considered positive and integrating, while Pitta (Fire) as negative and disintegrating force and Vata (Air) as neutral, which mixes easily with Kapha and Pitta to produce, preserve and balance.
Some persons are strongly predominant in one humor while others have mixed types, there are seven major types of predominance, Vata (air), Pitta (fire), Kapha (water), Vata-Pitta (air-fire), Vata-Kapha (air-water), Pitta-Kapha (fire water) and Vata-Pitta-Kapha (air-fire-water).
How to find your Dosha
To determine your Dosha refer to the skin constitution chart and you will be able to select R.K's Vedic essential oil most suited to your Dosha.
Tick in the boxes against each statement which you feel applies to you the most.
Certain statements may not apply to you at all, while more than one statement per classification may describe you having a mixed type of Dosha.
Add up the number of ticks for each Dosha and the one with the highest number is probably your predominant Dosha and the next highest is your secondary Dosha. This chart is only a guide and is not intended to be an accurate diagnosis.

- My physical appearance is slim and thin built, very short or very tall.
- My complexion is dark, or brownish, very dull.
- My skin texture is thin, dry, cold, rough or showing veins.
- My hair texture dry, coarse, wavy or scanty
- My eyebrows are thin, small and scanty My eyes are small, dry, thin, dull, unsteady
- My nose is thin, small, dry, crooked.
- My lips are dry, thin, small, darkish.
- My chest is small, narrow, poorly developed.
- I get less perspiration and my body odour has no smell.
- I have medium well-built physique.
- My complexion is red, flushed or pink.
- My skin is moist, has acne, freckles, moles.
- I have moderate, soft, premature-grey hair or am bald
- My eyebrows are fine, moderate.
- My eyes are thin, medium, inflamed easily, piercing.
- I have a medium size nose.
- My lips are medium size, soft, pink or red.
- I have a medium size chest.
- My body odour is profused, hot, strong acid smelling.
- I am heavily built and have a well-developed physique.
- My complexion is pale, devitalized, white.
- My skin texture is soft, smooth, cold, thick, pale.
- I have a hairy thick growth, oily, wavy, lustrous hair
- My eyebrows are thick, bushy, lustrous.
- My eyes are big, attractive, oily, white, thick.
- I have a thick, oily, big nose.
- My lips are thick, large, oily, firm, smooth.
- I have a broad, big, well-developed chest.
- My body odour is cool, pleasant smelling.
Balancing of Doshas with Aromatherapy
According to the ancient Indian philosophy, the five elements are combined in pairs to form three dynamic forces called Doshas meaning that which change and they constantly move in dynamic balances one with another. They are primary life forces or biological humors.
Ether + air = Vata
Fire + water = Pitta
Water + earth = Kapha
The climate we live in, change in the season all affect the Dosha balances. Hot summers increase the Pitta, dry climate or cold autumn increases Vata, while wet winters and damp climates increase Kapha.
Even different stages in life affect the Dosha balance. During childhood growth means Kapha is dominant, the changes in the hormones from childhood to middle years are influenced by Pitta and as we age our skin gets dry, wrinkled due to the increase of Vata forces.
While using essential oils for Dosha balancing we have to diagnose the type of imbalance and help individuals to their original balance.
Essential oils for Vata imbalances
Vata is considered as light, dry, mobile and cold so they have to be treated with essential oils which are heavy, wet, calming and warming. Vata caused deficiency resembles dry skin with an extreme ageing process. Pungent essential oils are generally used for balancing of Vata.
Essential oils for Pitta imbalance
Pitta is considered hot and wet and is treated with essential oils which have cooling, heat dispelling and calming properties. The skin conditions are generally dull, congested, oily acne prone and inflamed. The essential oils that help in treating Pitta imbalances are as follows :
Essential oils for Kapha Imbalances
According to the ancient Vedic system, Kapha is a combination of water and earth and is pre-dominantly cold, moist and heavy in nature. It can be treated with essential oils which have warming, drying and stimulating oils. Essential oils which are pungent, bitter and astringent. The essential oils that help in treating Kapha type skins are as follows :
Bergamot | (VK = Re, P = Inc.) |
Camphor | (VK = Re, P = Inc:) |
Cubeb | (VK = Re, P = Inc.) |
Orange | (VK = Re, P = Inc.) |
Frankincense | (VK = Re, P = Inc.) |
Sandalwood | (VP=Re, K=N) |
Turmeric | (VK = Re, P = Inc.) |
Vetiver | (V = Re, K.P = Inc.) |
Sandalwood | (VP = Re, K = N) |
Tea Tree | (VPK. =) |
Gulheena | (PK. = Re. V = Inc) |
Rose | (VPK. =) |
Neroli | (VP = Re, K = Inc) |
Jasmine | (PK. = Re, V = Inc) |
Kewda | (PK. = Re, V = Inc) |
Lavender | (PK = Re, V = N) |
l. Camphor | (K.V - Re, P - Inc) |
2. Basil | (K.V - Re, P - Inc) |
3. Juniper Berry | (K.V - Re, P - Inc) |
4. Chamomile Roman | (K.P - Re, V - Inc) |
5. Cardamom | (K.V - Re, P - Inc) |
6. Saffron | (K.P - Re, V - Inc) |
7. Davana | (K.P - Re, V - Inc) |
8. Jatamansi | (K.P - Re, V - Inc) |
Re | Reduce |
Inc | Increase |
N | Neutral |
= | Balancing |
All essentials oils are good for Kapha type skin but best results are achieved with warming and drying oils.
Carrier oils for Dosha balancing
Each vegetable oil has its own individual characteristics which can be important in determining the choice of base oils for Dosha balancing.
Carrier Oils for Vata imbalances
Most Vata conditions are related to dry skin, therefore, all vegetable oils are potentially good. But according to ancient Indian tradition, Sesame Oil is considered excellent for dry skin, emollient, nourishing and protective against UV rays of the sun, it also contains minerals and vitamins. Other oils that can be used are Avocado, Ashwagandha and Walnut.
Carrier oils for Pitta imbalances
Pitta conditions are generally connected to dull oily skin, therefore, Iight textured oils work wonders for this type of skin. Grapeseed, Coconut, Brahmi, Sunflower and Olive can be used with good results.
Carrier oils for Kapha imbalances
Kapha conditions are generally related to thick, puffiness, cool type of skin. The carrier oils that work best for such skin conditions are Sweet Almond, Corn, Flex and Soya can be used with good results.
Carrier oils for all types of skin
Jojoba, Hazelnut, Primrose, Aloe and Wheat Germ.
Blending Essential Oils
When prescribing Essential oils for therapeutical uses all the symptoms concerning the patient should be looked into, that is his Dosha type.
It is recommended that when blending oils a minimum of 2 to 5 oils at a time should be blended. The resultant blend has its own unique and medicinal properties. An entirely new creation of essential oils comes into being. The blended oils should be first smelt by the client, if he/ she does not approve the smell it should be improved by adding another oil.
So whether you are a patient or a therapist the art of Exotic blending needs to be judged by :
l. Harmonization of the blended oils.
2. The right ratio and proportion in which the two or more oils blend together in.
3. A set of good olfactory senses.
The best guides to an excellent blend are our own noses although it does take a while to find the perfect balance. The fact still remains that one learns best from experience alone.
The oils blended for external application comprise the 2 basic ingredients i.e. essential oils and vegetable oils (also known as base or carrier oils). In the blending of essential oil, the carrier oils act as a vehicle.
A close observation has brought into light the rapid oxidation of most vegetable and essential oils whose resultant rancidity (cloudiness) besets them with an unpleasant odour, a distinct loss of the freshness and a reduction in their therapeutical values. Oxidation is termed as an irreversible reaction process, therefore utmost importance is given in mentioning the precaution to be undertaken, i.e. keeping the oils well filled in airtight containers. But avoid replenishing fresh oils in used containers.
The immense storehouse of Mother Nature has furnished us with an anti-oxidant in the form of wheat germ oil. It works as an excellent anti-oxidant due to the presence of vitamin E in high contents. In the preparation of your blends use, 10% to 15% of wheat germ oil, which enhances the oils and are not immune to last forever. The average period of dependency is 3 months, but the subjection can vary as per how often the bottle is opened for use.
Although the quantity of essential oils, varying from 1% to 3%, to be used in the carrier oils depends upon the strength of its fragrance, essential oils are extremely powerful and thus their use is always curbed to the minimum. No better results would ever be affected by augmenting the quantity of essential oils used. Plants carry essence which vary from, between 1% to 3%. The use of essential oils per ml. (in drops) is entirely dependent upon the specific gravity of the oil, although a common measure is prevalent which averages around 20 drops. For example, if you require a 2% mixture in 50 ml of carrier oil, you would administer 40 drops of the essence.
A general guideline has been set for diluting the essential oil in the base oil :
Essential oil Mix | Base oil | |
05 drops | to | 10 ml |
25 drops | to | 50 ml |
50 drops | to | 100 ml |
Aroma facials require 3 to 5 drops of essential oils in 5 to 7 ml of base oil. For body massage, administer 6 to 8 drops in 15 to 25 ml. of base oil. A notable factor influencing the maximum enduration of the oil's fragrance inside and outside the bottle demands the proper fixation of the bottle. Perfumery has augmented the use of fixatives to beset in protecting the would be process of evaporation of the perfume, thus assuring unchangeability of the fragrance for a longer period. The most excelling fixative is the oil of sandalwood, but patchouli, vetiver and frankincense can also be used effectively.