We can’t get enough of essential oils and their many benefits, can we? However, the versatile benefits of these botanical oils aren’t just limited to aromatherapy and skincare. They go way beyond that! When used correctly, they can add ounces of value to your overall well-being with their soothing and calming properties. The catch here is that to unleash the desired benefits of these oils, it is imperative to ensure their safe and correct use.
The below information on the safe use of essential oils is based on worldwide research. The concentration of essential oils to be blended with carrier oils for safe use in Aromatherapy treatments is to use less dosage of essential oils with maximum coverage in the body area applications.
The usual concentration used of essential oils when blended with base oils is between 2% to 5%. When used over the chest or the abdomen area dosage of 8% to 10% can be used, while areas such as the hands or feet up to 50% may be used. For topical application to a spot certain essential oils can be used in their purest form (100%). But it is very important that the total quantity of concentrated essential oils to be used at one time should not exceed more than 30 drops to 0.5 – 1.5 ml. This is an adult dosage.
But when treating children the dosage has to be decided according to the age and weight of a child. The general guide is to use half a drop of essential oil for each Kg. of the child’s weight. Dosage according to age is as follows :
- 12yrs to 16yrs — 10–15 drops.
- 07yrs to 12yrs — 05–08 drops.
- 03yrs to 07yrs — 02–03 drops.
- 01yrs to 03yrs — 01–02 drops.
So, we hope you’re thorough with the basics of how you can use our essential oils and let their therapeutic benefits work their magic on you. Now, go ahead and shop for them, you!