The sun is overhead and it is raining skin issues!
We can successfully beat the heat by soaking ourselves in a cold tub and by flicking that air con on. We can binge on cooling dishes and seasonal fruits, but what about our summer skin? Yes, ‘summer skin woes’ are very much real and they exist, whether it is in the form of dryness, skin rashes and irritation, skin pigmentation, or breakouts. We know you probably are following a skincare routine already, but did you know that different skin problems and seasons need different beauty regimes?
Here is a rundown of the five skincare products you NEED to have in your ‘to beat the heat skin wraths!’
1. A Sun-Protecting Must-Have
Even if you aren’t stepping out as much and are staying well within the walls of your home, you still do need a sun protector. Reason? The sun rays may not be able to reach you directly but they still do manage to do so through the windows, even though you may not realize so. So, keep a sun-friendly beauty product handy with you like this anti-ageing essential oil that stems from versatility.
2. Summer Friendly Moisturizer
A moisturizer that is not only light on the skin but also helps serve as a guard against common summer skin issues. Yes, that is what you need this season. A formula that is natural with antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. Say, a green tea moisturizer that hydrates, protects, and softens your skin!
3. A Refreshing Skin Tonic
A quick boost to your skin in the middle of the day, consider a refreshing skin tonic as your substitute for washing your face every two hours this summer. Naturally made tonics like this rose water work wonders in hydrating, rejuvenating, and healing your skin.
4. Cooling Agent for Summer Skin
What better way to beat the heat than with a cooling natural product like aloe vera gel? Cooling agents like these act as an all-in-one solution for sun protection, healing, cleansing, chapped lips, and even moisturizing. Consider them as your dedicated summer skin-fling!
5. Skin Boosting Essential Oil
We all fancy multi-purpose products, don’t we? This rejuvenating beauty solution can be just that. Essential oils like Lemongrass Essential Oil, Vetiver Essential Oil, Gul Heena Essential Oil, and Cedarwood Essential Oil can be a great antidote to all your summer skin woes. Besides soothing skin problems, they can double up as a moisturizer, toner, and an ant-bacterial and antifungal remedy for acne and blackheads.