Out of the many things that are out of our control, one of them is menstrual cramps. We all dread them but they still find a way to add to our monthly misery, don’t they? Now, you must have tried it all - from heat pads to painkillers, but you still resort to the internet for better and effective remedies. Yes, we know it because we’ve all been there. And, that is exactly why we did some of our own research and rounded up some natural remedies for those menstrual cramps that actually work. Thank us later!
1. Hot Herbal Tea
Make yourself a cup of hot herbal tea like peppermint or chamomile that is actually recommended during that time of the month. They are not only known to help relieve menstrual pain but also they help freshen you up in seconds.
2. Acupressure
This age-old Asian holistic health treatment can work wonders for you if you want to instantly relieve those cramps. All it takes is you applying some pressure with your fingers on certain points on your hand. Find that spot between your thumb and index finger and apply pressure for a few minutes to experience relief.
3. Essential Oil Massage
Massaging your belly with essential oils like lavender and cinnamon has proven to be one of the most effective ways to relieve period cramps. Not to mention, the soothing aroma that comes with them relaxes the muscles and senses. Simply dilute an essential oil with a carrier oil and gently massage the pain away!
4.Yoga Poses
We know, it can be dreary to move a muscle when you’re experiencing period cramps, but moving your body a little can actually help relieve them. Try out poses like the child pose, reclining twist, inverted leg pose, and head to knee forward bend the next month and feel the difference yourself.
Rely on convenient, compact, and comforting natural products like this blend of essential oils, packed into a bottle of a roll-on. Simply roll it over the belly to experience relief and relaxation.
Although simple, these natural remedies can be totally relied upon! So, shop some of these natural essential oils and blends to keep your period cramp relief kit handy for the coming cycle now.