The festive season brings with it sweets, a spread of delectable dishes, and layers of makeup. Although it comes with its own joys, the time that follows does feel like a breath of fresh air for its detoxifying essence. This also means that the time post these festivities serves as the best chance to renew your skin and give it a healthy boost. In other words, it’s time to give our skin that much-needed recovery. Here are some natural, easy-to-implement, and effective tips to do so.
1. Detox with a Face Mask
after having used every makeup product you own on your face during the festivities, it is inevitable to have some impurities left in your pores. Using a face mask can not only help detoxify your skin layer but also enrich it with nourishing ingredients.
2.Bring the Glow Back with a Facial Oil
Another skincare rule that you simply cannot skip during the festivities and even after it is including a facial elixir in your routine. Layering with a few drops of naturally made facial oil can not only help maintain your skin health but also renew that glow that must have been lost.
3. Stock Up on Fruits and Vegetables
As they say, what you eat shows up on your skin. So, while you try to regain that skin after the season of sweets, make sure you leave no stone unturned. What we mean here is that only one aspect of your lifestyle alone will not lend you the results. It is important to also watch your diet and include necessary fruits and greens to let them do the work under your skin.
4. Let the Skin Breathe by Going Makeup-Free